Welcome to the The Resilience Toolkit, designed to help creative and cultural micro-businesses calculate risk and provide tailored resources on improving resilience.
With the toolkit you can calculate your resilience score in different areas of your business and identify areas to improve with help from a curated list of articles. You can also track your progress over time and compare your performance with other businesses.
To register, you’ll need to be a cultural or creative business registered with Companies House that has less than 10 employees and an annual turnover of less than 1 million pounds.
To register, follow the link to Sign in or register. If you already have a login this is where you can sign in or reset your password. Click Register and fill out your business details and submit the form. You are now registered and can login with your email address and password.
Now it’s time to add some data. Choose the year that you want to add and answer all the questions. Once you have completed the form your score will be calculated.
Here is where you can see where your strengths are and which areas need improvement. Scroll down to find a list of resources tailored to you and the areas in which you could improve your resilience.
To compare your progress year on year, select two years from the dropdowns and view the scores overlayed to see how things have changed.
You can also compare with your peers by selecting a year and Other Users, choosing between All Users of the toolkit or just those in your sub sector.